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Flower Blog

Hearst + Pandora Event at Kensington Palace


When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can happen! We teamed up with @pandpflowers to bring to life this beautiful event set up for Pandora and Cosmopolitan Magazine for their prestigious Influencer Awards. The whole experience was a total joy! Thanks to all involved for their hard work!

Magical, magical, magical, MEGA meadows in the mist! The scale of these were HUUUGE! Made in four interlocking sections guests could mingle between the beautiful flowers.

Meadow close ups! Every section was completely different, just as it would be in nature and oh so beautiful!

Our meadows carried on onto the dining tables for the awards ceremony! 50 metres of meadow- delicate, wild flowers as far as the eye can see.

Metres and metres and metres of magical, table meadows! Thanks to the wonderful team for all your hard work and to Ruari of PandPFlowers for allowing a dream to come true! 

And of course non of our big events would be complete without an epic archway to welcome guests! This one came right to the top of the new pavillion, up and over the double doors and around the side. It was made out of the same mix of meadow flowers as inside and stretched out further on the right to create a pretty photo moment as guests entered in all their glam!



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