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Flower Blog

Save the Date!


When it comes to sending out 'Save the Dates' for your wedding, couples often want to send out something that is unique...a one-in-a-kind invite for their very special day. From wooden, Welsh love spoons to chutneys, balloons and personalised jigsaws, it really is a time for the couple to get creative and think up a memorable invite, that goes far beyond the old fashioned card. In this digital age, many couples are now putting a modern spin on their wedding announcement and letting guests know, via video, which date to save. With no limit to the creative possibilities of film, the couple can tell their very own romantic story. As well as being super fun, the vid. can of course be shared instantly through social media and embedded into the couple's wedding website, so you get to save on postage too!

Today, I am thrilled to be sharing with you the lovely Joseph and Stephane's uber beautiful 'Save the Date' video, which is by far the coolest, classiest and most smile worthy one I have seen. Set to Pharrel's 'Happy', and filmed in Battersea Park, every aspect of this video is perfect!  We can't wait to produce the flowers for their very special day-- don't worry guys, we have the date SAVED!  xxx


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