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Flower Blog

Saying Goodbye...


This afternoon I am in somewhat of a reflective mood, having just done the funeral flowers for a friend's nan who recently passed away at the wonderful age of one hundred.  Making a coffin spray for anyone is a great honour, but for someone who has lived to 100....gosh...! With the families input, we opted for subtle shades of pale pinks, blushes and whites to commemorate this special lady.

Using a mix of scented o'hara, sweet avalanche, and secret garden roses combined with white phlox, white lilac and blushed lilac, as well as soft grey eucalyptus and flowering eucalyptus foliage to make the spray, I couldn't help but think of all of the things this amazing lady must have lived through, of all the things she had seen and done, of her beautiful family that she leaves behind. It's all of our dreams to live until we are 100, but few of us ever get there! Her funeral will be a sad occasion but I hope the family get some time to celebrate her amazing, long life and that the flowers bring some comfort to them.

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